So it is starting to cool down a little, instead of being in the 90's it is in the 80's now, and getting cool at night.
Go away Summer...GO AWAY!
I am still sleeping much of the day, and working at night...the good time. Now that it is cooling, I am working more.
I have The Second Master Mold planned out for the most part, and I am absolutely going to have everything done for it by the end of the month. I will post pictures soon. I did rearrange things, becuase I have a few leftovers from Master Mold One, primarily The First SEC Mech and MFD sculpts. Since I now also have The A.S.P. done, and want to complete the little Tow Bot I am going to get all of these TECH models into the next Master Mold.
I have decided to also push forward with The First Countryfolk Female, as she will be useful for converting other females later.
I am going to hold off on The Whurg, becuase he is big, and I have a lot to do yet for this Multi-piece Model. I am also going to wait until Master Mold Three for The Baron Murghaste and TECH Fighter, becuase of the similar complexity issues.
As of this writing it looks like Master Mold Two will cover: All Mechs, Rattak w/Rikatik & Huratt Accessory Sprue One, Human Skeleton One, Garrexx One, MURG War Crew One, and whatever else I can get in it. I have not laid all of these models out yet, as I did for Master One, so I will have to make final choices at the end of the month.
This month I am strictly focusing on getting most of the nearly completed models DONE.